DayBack Behaviors, Hacks, and Extensions

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Control DayBack behavior with custom parameters in the URL.
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Retrieve custom parameter from URL

Use You’d like to pass custom parameters in the URL for use within the calendar. This can be useful when loading DayBack in a FileMaker WebViewer and you’d like to pass parameters for use when creating or editing events.

In this scenario, we’re retrieving the parameter “sessionID” from the URL string and assigning it to an additional field in the event.

This takes effect when an existing event is clicked on or a new event is created.

Trigger   On Event Click
// Gets the sessionID parameter from the URL and populates the additional field

function getSessionID() { 'use strict'; var sessionID = getUrlVars().sessionID; editEvent['1234996543210-4152637485'] = sessionID; } // Function to retrieve parameters from the URL
function getUrlVars() { 'use strict'; var vars = {}; var parts = location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf('#/')).replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } getSessionID();
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Note: A few example DayBack URLs that could be used in with this custom action:[YourUserToken]&SessionID=123  


See it in action


FileMaker, Google, Mobile, Microsoft 365, Salesforce

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